
In The Process... But Not Yet Perfect

Written by National Day of Prayer | Jul 12, 2024 12:00:00 PM


I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

Philippians 3:10-12 NIV


I am grateful to have the opportunity once again to attend the Christian World Conference and International Payne Stewart Cup this summer. Even if you are not a golf fan you may still know this name either by the “old-golf” style of hat and knickerbocker type pants Payne was known for on the golf course, or by that horrific day in October of 1999 when we sat glued to the news that Payne and five others had died from a lack of oxygen shortly after taking off from Orlando while the plane remained in flight on auto-pilot. Almost four heartbreaking hours later the plane ran out of fuel and crashed in South Dakota.

In the book, “Payne Stewart, A Changed Heart” Payne’s wife Tracey described Payne as, “very much a 'Christian in process,' not someone who felt he had arrived spiritually.” She went on to say, “But his faith was genuine, and as he understood the Bible, the issue wasn't about how much faith he had but whether his faith in Christ was real. And everyone close to Payne knew that his faith was real."

It is essential for all of us to remember that we are all “Christians in progress.” Even those who do not know or follow Jesus yet are made in His image and God is in the process of drawing them, convicting them, and loving them no less than He loves us. We must pray for them, lest we become part of their reason to reject Him.

By the grace of God we make progress every day in God’s sanctification process. Moment-by-moment, lesson-by-lesson, He is perfecting us into the character or Jesus. Even the Apostle Paul proclaimed in his letter to the Philippians that he desired to know so many glorious things such as the power of Christ’s resurrection. He amazingly also desired participation in Christ’s suffering, yet with all that God taught and pour through Paul in speech and letters, even in all of his suffering he proclaimed that he had not yet arrived but was still in process and take hold and reach the goal for which Jesus took hold of him. I think of Phil. 3:12 every time I hear someone say, “Get a grip!” I certainly do not have a grip on God’s goal for my life, but I am grateful I am in His grip. How about you?

Major problems occur when we forget people are in process, not perfect. We experience disappointment or even get angry when our expectations for perfection, or at least exceeding excellence, are not met. Yet we are all still disciples, pupils of the Prince of Peace and Perfecter, and until we “graduate” as T.W. Hunt used to say, we will all remain in process. It is only when we finish the race having kept our faith that we will step from earth and in our first breath in heaven, we will be perfected.

Until then we are called to exercise patience and kindness through the love that Jesus said would be the core of our earthly character. We extend gallons of grace, mountains of mercy and fountains of forgiveness to others as our Heavenly Father has given to us. We should encourage one another, even learn the heart and art of eulogizing the living and not wait until someone has graduated to heaven to say wonderful things about them on earth. In God’s grip we can be fruitful instruments used to touch and shape the lives of others. If we decide to hide our light by letting moods and selfishness steer our thoughts, words and behavior Satan applauds and laughs as we choose to bruise one another.

We must remember that the people serving us in government, at their workplace, the Church, military members, people in every sphere of influence and every person on earth is no where near perfect, and so we are called and commanded to pray for them, everyone, even our “enemies.” Run your race with growth and grace and people will see real abiding faith. Celebrate progress, and never give up in the process. Perfection awaits us!

 Will you please join me in prayer?

Lord Jesus, You are the only perfect one to ever walk this earth. Thank You for the life You lived, the lessons and examples You gave us so that we have a textbook, The Bible, to study and learn daily and to light our path. Hold us close as Your clay. Thank You that every tender touch of Your hand conforms us closer to the image of Jesus and remind us gently that we have not yet arrived. Help us to be filled with Your Spirit to practice patience, kindness, and self-control as You continue to tend to the abounding fruitfulness we desire for Your glory. May we one day take hold of that which You took hold of us. In Your Perfect name we pray, Amen!

Serving Him with gladness,

Kathy Branzell
