
Glory Stories: NDP Shines Bright Around the Nation!

Written by National Day of Prayer | May 17, 2024 12:00:00 PM


I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

Philippians 1:3-5


Greetings prayer partner,

In every corner of the nation, NDP Task Force coordinators mobilized prayer in their community on May 2nd. Outside government buildings, in local parks, community centers and even nursing homes, millions of prayers were lifted up. Believers took time to intercede for both neighbor and nation, seeking God’s will and wisdom.

Be uplifted and encouraged as you read about the many types of gatherings that took place on the National Day of Prayer. We will share more Glory Stories throughout the summer, as we continue to Lift Up the Word - Light Up the World!

Cheyanne, WY

A group of Kindergarteners led in the Pledge of Allegiance during the Wyoming State Capitol prayer gathering, right on the steps of the capitol building. It was cold and windy Wyoming morning, but the faithful pray-ers were not deterred by the weather!

This was the 25th year that Gina Gibson, the National Area Leader over the Mountain Region has led an NDP gathering in her home state of Wyoming. She also serves as the Ambassador to Children and works to equip coordinators to have all ages participate at prayer gatherings. Young believers learn to pray from listening to seasoned prayer leaders, and older believers are encouraged by the passion and authenticity that the prayers of children bring to these gatherings!

Terre Haute, IN

The Terre Haute gathering took place outside a government building, where community members joined together in praise and worship.

This year was our largest attendance in about 10 years with about 120-150 [people attending],” said gathering host Lawrence Urlick.

One of the highlights of the gathering was seeing 5th through 12th graders from a local Christian school attend and participate in prayer. This was the third year these school children have joined, and the school plans to make their participation an annual tradition! The 2024 gathering also included a specific time of prayer over the new mayor, who was proudly in attendance.

Huntsville, AL

Intercessors in Huntsville celebrated National Day of Prayer as a culmination of the prayers that are prayed throughout the year – a core group of believers gathers on the first Thursday of each month to pray for America, as an overflow of the National Day of Prayer!

This year, the Lord led this group to ‘flip’ their usual program style: instead of one prayer leader at the front praying for each prayer segment, a leader simply introduced the prayer topic, then let the participants pray together around their tables, utilizing the NDP prayer guides for scriptures and strategic prayer points.

Having the people attending do most of the praying is very powerful,” said Connie Oakley, the gathering host. “We could sense the Spirit of unity in the room at the first worship song!”

Mishawaka, IN

Several hundred people gathered in a local park for National Day of Prayer, lifting up the Word of God in prayer, and praying through the lyrics of worship songs.

As believers sang their prayers through the music, many were deeply moved by the Holy Spirit and knelt in reverence to the Lord, some even lying face down as they experienced the glory of God.

One of the neighbors near the park was so moved by the worship team that was leading in worship from the band shell, he asked if the event would be happening every Thursday going forward,” said gathering host Gil Michel.

As the sounds of worship and prayer drew community members to the park to see what was happening, prayer participants engaged with the curious onlookers, and many were willing to be prayed for, right there in the park! Others welcomed the presence of the those who were praying.


Will you join me in prayer?

Lord Jesus, I cry out in thanks to You! You called thousands of believers to spend their valuable time, talent, and treasure to mobilize their community to gather in prayer, lifting up Your Word, full of truth and hope, in a nation that is hungry for Your unfailing love. Thank You for pouring out Your glory, unity, and creativity on these gatherings. So many people had a fresh encounter with You, Jesus, the Living God, our Savior! I pray that the hearts of people who participated in these gatherings would continue to be stirred with a growing desire to unite in prayer with fellow Christ followers. I also pray for those who attended who don’t yet know You as Lord and Savior – I pray that the seeds of truth that were planted would fall on hearts of fertile soil, that roots of faith would grow into the fruit of a confession of sin and proclaim You as Lord of their lives.

Lord, I am watching expectantly to see more of Your light shining in every city in our nation, as this mighty network of intercessors continues to Lift Up Your Word, and Light Up the World. In Jesus name, amen.

Peace and blessings,

Amy Parks

Communications Director