
Praying at the Million Women Gathering

Written by National Day of Prayer | Oct 25, 2024 11:00:00 AM


I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 2:1-2


On October 10th and 11th, I had the opportunity to join several hundred other national prayer leaders who gathered in Washington, D.C., for the National Prayer Assembly. It was two days of powerful worship, prayer, and intercession that led up to the Million Women Gathering on the Mall on October 12th. As we all reflected on the powerful theme of both gatherings, we were reminded of the "Esther Moment" before us all—an urgent call to prayer, fasting, and revival. Just as Queen Esther stood in the gap for her people in a time of crisis, we too are called to intercede for our nation. Coinciding with the Day of Atonement and with a focus on repentance, hundreds of thousands of women and men were inspired to engage in fervent, effective prayer that day, knowing that through our intercession and action, we can influence the course of our nation—and generations to come. We were challenged to rise up in faith and stand in the place of prayer, believing God for mercy and revival in our land.

This year’s National Day of Prayer theme, "Pour Out to the God of Hope and Be Filled," reminds us that our prayers are never in vain! We are praying to the God of hope, who fills us with all joy and peace as we trust in Him (Romans 15:13). In unity, we come before the Lord, asking for mercy and divine intervention in these critical times. We intercede for our children, the next generation, that they would be shielded from harmful influences and filled with the knowledge of God’s truth. Together, as men and women of God, we raise up prayer for the future of our nation, knowing that the victory is already ours through Jesus Christ. With our national elections just days away, we have the opportunity to join our hearts together in prayer, but we also have the responsibility to exercise our right as citizens to turn out to vote biblically to turn the tide of ungodliness—to tangibly act and take hold of the HOPE we have in Jesus.

In the spirit of mobilizing unified public prayer for our nation, would you join with millions praying over these next critical days?

  • Friday, Oct 25th:Pray in HOPE for the healing of our land (2 Chron 7:14)
  • Saturday, Oct 26th:Pray in HOPE for the American Church to be biblically aligned and for believers to go the polls and vote biblical policy over personality 
  • Sunday, Oct 27th:  Pray in HOPE for pastors in our nation to lead with biblical boldness
  • Monday, Oct 28th: Pray in HOPE for God’s will in the Senate and House elections
  • Tuesday, Oct 29th: Pray in HOPE for the Swing States – Pray in HOPE for God’s will for Arizona
  • Wednesday, Oct 30:  Pray in HOPE for God’s will for Georgia 
  • Thursday, Oct 3: Pray in HOPE for God’s will for Michigan
  • Friday, Nov 1: Pray in HOPE for God’s will for Nevada
  • Saturday, Nov 2: Pray in HOPE for God’s will for North Carolina
  • Sunday, Nov 3: Pray in HOPE for God’s will for Pennsylvania 
  • Monday, Nov 4th: Pray in HOPE for God’s will for Wisconsin 
  • TUESDAY, Nov 5: Pray in HOPE that America will rise to her destiny as a city set on a hill, and as an example of righteousness to a world in desperate need of HOPE!

Let's pray.

Father, we thank You for the opportunity to stand in the gap, just as Esther did, for such a time as this. We ask for Your mercy over our nation and for the outpouring of Your Spirit upon every heart. Lord, we intercede for our children and the generations to come, that they would be protected and know Your truth. As we pour out our hearts to You, the God of hope, we ask that You fill us with Your joy and peace. May our prayers be a sweet offering before You. We ask for Your will to be done in America, in the name of Jesus, knowing that You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or imagine. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Rejoicing in Hope,

Dion Elmore

Vice President