Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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When is the National Day of Prayer?
The National Day of Prayer will take place on the first Thursday of May.

Did President Biden issue a proclamation in 2024?
Yes, click here to view. We look forward to posting President Trump's proclamation when it is issued on the National Day of Prayer!

Will the National Observance be available to view online and traditional media?
Yes! Our team is hard at work connecting with our livestream partners for the National Observance Broadcast that will air at 8 p.m. ET on May 1st, 2025.

Rewatch the 2024 Broadcast on the 2024 Broadcast Page.

What is the theme and verse this year?
In 2025, our theme is "Pour Out to the God of Hope and Be Filled" from Romans 15:13.

Is there a prayer gathering in my local area?

Search for a local gathering in your area!

Can I post a local prayer gathering for the National Day of Prayer?
Yes, click here to post a local prayer gathering.

Is there a National Prayer this year?
Yes! Click here to read the 2025 National Prayer from the heart of our president, Kathy Branzell.

Will there be Downloads available?

Yes! Click here to access dozens of resources and digital downloads.

Will there be Spanish resources available?
Yes! Find our Spanish resource downloads by following the link.

What is the National Day of Prayer?
The National Day of Prayer was established as an annual event in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. The observance of the National Day of Prayer is founded on the constitutional rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion and can be celebrated by all Americans.

Does the National Day of Prayer Task Force plan the National Prayer Breakfast?
No. The National Prayer Breakfast is an annual event (originally called the Presidential Prayer Breakfast) that began in 1953 (one year after the National Day of Prayer) and takes place on the first Thursday of February. The National Day of Prayer takes place on the first Thursday of May. The National Prayer Breakfast is coordinated by The Fellowship Foundation and is predominately an interfaith prayer gathering.

What is the National Day of Prayer Task Force and what is its purpose?
The NDP Task Force is a 501c3 Christian ministry whose purpose is to mobilize unified public prayer for America. The Task Force hosts the Judeo-Christian expression of the national observance, as well as steer and steward prayer gatherings across America and the international NDP Broadcast.

When did the National Day of Prayer begin?
Days of prayer have been called for since 1775, when the Continental Congress designated a time for prayer in forming a new nation. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln called for such a day. Officially, the NDP was established as an annual event by an act of Congress in 1952 and was signed into law by President Truman. President Reagan amended the law in 1988, designating the first Thursday of May each year as the NDP.

Is the National Day of Prayer exclusively a Christian event?
No. This government-proclaimed day is offered to all Americans to 'turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.' However, the efforts of the NDP Task Force are implemented specifically in accordance with its Judeo-Christian beliefs.

Is the National Day of Prayer a political event?
No. The National Day of Prayer, as designated by our government, belongs to all Americans. It is not sponsored or owned by any one group. By law each year, the President issues a proclamation in recognition of this significant day.

Who is behind the National Day of Prayer Task Force?
The NDP Task Force consists of a full-time staff and a network of thousands of grassroots volunteer coordinators nationwide. Kathy Branzell serves as the President. Prior to Mrs. Branzell's involvement, the Task Force was led by Dr. Ronnie Floyd (2018-2019), Anne Graham Lotz (2016 to 2017), daughter of the late Reverend Billy Graham, Mrs. Shirley Dobson (1991-2016), wife of Focus on the Family and Family Talk founder, Dr. James Dobson, and the late Mrs. Vonette Bright (1983-1991), wife of the late Bill Bright, founder and president of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Is the Task Force affiliated with Focus on the Family or Family Talk?
No. Though Mrs. Shirley Dobson (Chairman Emeritus) is married to Focus on the Family and Family Talk founder Dr. James Dobson, the NDP Task Force is a separate organization. It was housed at the Focus on the Family headquarters from 1991 to 2009 and is currently located at an independent office in Colorado Springs, CO. Its business affairs have always remained separate and Focus on the Family was compensated for services rendered. However, between 1991 and 1993, Focus on the Family did provide grants in support of the NDP Task Force. Since then, the Task Force has been completely self-supported.

What kinds of gatherings are planned?
The most visible gathering has been held historically at our nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C. on the first Thursday of May. The executive, legislative and judicial branches of government are represented, as well as the military. In addition, Christian leaders address the current year’s theme and other areas of interest (i.e. education, youth, families, etc.). Every year, tens of thousands of gatherings are held nationwide. Local volunteer coordinators hold a variety of activities ranging from prayer breakfasts, Bible reading marathons, concerts of prayer, rallies, church prayer vigils, student flagpole gatherings and observances held in sports stadiums.

What is the National Day of Prayer Sunday?

The Sunday before NDP, in Churches around the nation, when 40 million Christians come together to worship, the Task Force is encouraging groups to take seven minutes to pray for the Seven Centers of Influence (pray one minute each for these 7 centers of influence: government, military, media, business, education, church and family). Pray for renewal in our hearts and repentance to come to America. This can kick off whatever the churches and NDP coordinators want to do during the week, on up to the day of observing the National Day of Prayer on Thursday. Pastors can also preach a sermon or series of sermons based on each year's theme verse, then invite the congregation to attend the local gathering on the National Day of Prayer.