Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Praying for Families


No institution in the culture is facing more intense persecution than the family. Not only are the incidences of divorce, but infidelity and abuse are on the rise. It’s crucial that we pray for this vital and foundational unit of society. God’s Word makes it clear that families play a central role in disseminating the tenets of our faith to the next generation. Loving homes model virtues such as sacrifice, patience and unconditional love to a watching world, and committed marriages exemplify Christ’s devotion to His Church. Indeed, the family holds a special place in God’s heart. Read more >>

Praying for the Military


In the wake of the September 11 attacks on our own soil, the American people have realized that the face of war is forever changed. No longer can we think of combat being fought solely on faraway shores. We must acknowledge that many of the United States’ enemies are among us, even as others plot against us from afar. Read more >>

Praying for the Government


Our Founding Fathers established a nearly foolproof system of government; its checks and balances are among the most noteworthy aspects of our republic. Our executive, legislative, and judicial branches, — when functioning as they were designed, — champion our liberties and prevent our government from becoming tyrannical and oppressive. By and large, however, the American people are sadly uninformed about democratic principles and their role in safeguarding our freedoms. What’s more, the clearly defined lines between the three branches of government are becoming blurred and United States citizens are paying the price. We must continue to pray that God protects... Read more >>

Praying for Churches


While we often associate the word “church” with our locale of worship, Scripture takes a much broader view. The Church, ultimately, refers to the body of Christian believers around the world. The Lord is passionate for His Church, His bride. From the dawn of time, God’s purposes have centered around revealing His glory through His people — and securing our eternity with Him. Read more >>

Praying for Education


The goals, content, and approach of modern-day education have changed dramatically from the schooling children received when our nation was first conceived. Formal, public education was just taking shape at that time as the newly formed government took responsibility for helping parents with this aspect of their children’s upbringing. With the 1635 founding of America’s first public school, the Boston Latin School, biblical faith was unapologetically woven into classroom teaching. Many teachers were local pastors, and a reverence for the Almighty and His precepts was viewed as an integral part of true knowledge. Read more >>

Praying for the Media


The media is unquestionably one of the most powerful and influential voices in our culture. Journalism used to be a simple matter of reporting the facts and, where there was controversy, presenting both sides of the story. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. From the top national networks to local newspapers, we are faced with the challenge of sorting through commentary and conjecture in order to get to the truth. Read more >>

Praying for Businesses


Today’s business leaders hold a great deal of sway in our society. America has long celebrated the entrepreneurial spirit of men and women who have launched innovative and successful companies. In generations past, honest and generous CEOs were rewarded with loyal employees, customers and clients. In recent years, however, greater numbers of large corporations are becoming characterized by deception, greed, and even fraudulent activity. Read more >>