Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Praying for the Media


The media is unquestionably one of the most powerful and influential voices in our culture. Journalism used to be a simple matter of reporting the facts and, where there was controversy, presenting both sides of the story. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. From the top national networks to local newspapers, we are faced with the challenge of sorting through commentary and conjecture in order to get to the truth.

Meanwhile, throughout the entertainment industry, the heroes of pop culture model vices such as materialism, promiscuity, substance abuse, and violence. Professional athletes, once some of our nation’s most revered and reliable role models, now watch many of their fellow players regularly fall into public disgrace.

Those of us determined to be discerning are constantly faced with the task of wading through the media’s often biased and immoral offerings to find wholesome and acceptable alternatives for ourselves and our families. Specifically, we need to recognize and reject the errant messages of popular culture that run counter to the Judeo-Christian system of values.

We encourage you to make our nation’s journalists a subject of prayer. Ask the Lord to provide the television, radio and print mediums with staff members and executives who are committed to accuracy and integrity.

We must also remember to intercede on behalf of the actors, musicians and athletes our young people seek to emulate. Pray that more of Hollywood’s celebrities will be worthy of our respect and admiration. And as you watch your favorite sport, ask the Lord to strengthen and embolden any Christians on the team or coaching staff. Nothing is too difficult for God ­ and though the industry often seems unprincipled, we know the Lord is able to use the media to accomplish His purposes.


Pray for truth and morality to be presented.

  • Proverbs 12:9-22
  • Ephesians 4:29
  • Philippians 4:8
  • Matthew 12:36-37


Prayer for the Media - Day 1

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Proverbs 14:34

Every day the world value system bombards us through the news we listen to or read, the television shows and movies we watch, the Internet we spend time on, the music we listen to, the video games we play, and through the magazines and tabloids that jump off the store racks at us. While it’s irresponsible to blame all of our culture problems on the media, there is a dark side that draws most of us into its web, whether it’s emotional, sexual, intellectual, spiritual, or physical. We need to pray first of all for ourselves, that we will acknowledge there is a battle going on for our hearts and minds and souls, and that we will ask God for wisdom and discernment to see through unhealthy entertainment choices we are making regarding ourselves and our children. We are responsible for what we allow to come into our homes via the media.

Lord, far too few of us realize how much our media- and entertainment-focused culture influences both us and our children—morally, spiritually and ethically. We acknowledge there is a battle going on for our hearts, minds, and souls. And while it’s easy to make the entertainment world and today’s media the scapegoat for the destruction of godly values, morality and decency in our nation, it’s also irresponsible. The truth is that we have blindly allowed video games and television to become the nanny of our children. We too often watch movies that we know have content that we should not watch, and we fail to control what is seen and heard in our homes. Though the media bears responsibility for the entertainment they present, my choices do not always reflect my love for You and Your principles. I ask You to show me if there are areas of my life or areas of my family’s life where I am allowing unhealthy influences and messages. God, help me to take a stand for what is right and to repent of any sin. Amen.


Prayer for the Media - Day 2

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Acts 9:3–4

Today, we have an array of entertainment choices not even dreamed of a few decades ago. Unless we are living in caves, we are aware of the extreme violence, vulgarity, sexual immorality, explosion of pornography through the Internet, and the tearing down of biblical values that has taken place as movies, television shows, singers and musicians, and celebrities all push their own ethics, values and belief systems. But the fact is that what comes out of the entertainment industry will not change until the hearts of the people creating the content change. And the only way their hearts will change is through the power of God, which calls us to pray for them. Miracles still happen, and God is still the same. It truly is that important.

Lord, while so much of the content that comes out of the entertainment industry tears down biblical values, the fact is that this will not change until the hearts of the people creating the content change. I pray for producers, directors, writers and studio executives of television shows and motion pictures. I pray that You will work in miraculous ways to win their hearts and minds to the Gospel. I pray for those who create video games, for those who write and sing music, for actors and celebrities, and for those who develop the content for websites. I pray that You will shine the light of truth into their hearts and bring conviction of sin that leads to repentance and righteousness. I ask that You show Yourself to them as You did to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus and raise up a generation of godly men and women in the entertainment world who will be true to Your Word. I trust that You will bring Your truth and salvation to them and set them free to be a powerful force for good. Amen.


Prayer for the Media - Day 3

“I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts…” Exodus 31:3

Every day, thousands of Christians work in the arena of secular media and entertainment, trying to be salt and light in what are often difficult and challenging workplaces. There are numerous Christian writers, directors, and producers who are developing projects with a Christian focus, designed to make an impact in this culture. We need to pray that in every area of the media God will equip believers with the creativity and skills to bring such excellent projects forward that they will counter the flooding of our culture with Hollywood’s “morality.” And we also need to pray for the vast Christian media that is already in place, that it will be authentic, powerful, true to the Word of God, and filled with the creativity of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, every day thousands of Christians from coast to coast work in the arena of secular media and entertainment, trying to be salt and light in what are often difficult and challenging workplaces. I ask You to raise up godly men and women who are extraordinarily gifted to bring change and goodness to the media and entertainment arena in which they work. I ask You to give them the creative ideas and wisdom that will propel them to the front of their fields. Just as You did with Nehemiah and Daniel, may You surround them with grace and protection from the enemy’s onslaught and may they find favor with the right people. And for the existing Christian media, I pray that Your Spirit would bring the refiner’s fire and purity, so that those who profess Your name will in fact represent You well. I pray that a great host of talented people will create products, shows, songs and books that bring salvation, healing, encouragement, spiritual growth and the advancement of Your Kingdom. Amen.


Prayer for the Media - Day 4

“So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter.” Isaiah 59:14

A survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press showed that 63 percent of Americans believe that news stories are often inaccurate. Most Christians believe that the bias of most journalists is toward liberal political views and morality and anti-religious, particularly against the Christian faith. Many believe that much of the news is slanted toward what contributes to hype and fear, that “if it bleeds, it leads,” and that pop culture and sleaze dominate over what is truly “news worthy.” Because journalists wield so much power through their words and images, through what they report and how they report it and what they don’t report, journalists need our prayers just as much as our leaders.

Lord, well over half of Americans believe that news stories are often inaccurate and tend to favor one side of an issue over another. I pray that journalists across America will do their best to bring light where there is darkness and truth where there is falseness. I ask You to strengthen and direct the will of all who write and shape the coverage of newspapers, television, radio and magazines. I pray that You would remove those who desire to report anything less than the truth and to be a service to humanity. May You raise up those who are bold to confront evil and injustice, who reject the half truths that deceive and the biased words that corrupt. I ask You to promote those who will use the power of their words for good and who bring the respect and integrity of character that honors their profession. Give wisdom, honesty and courage to those who seek Your face and restore a righteous standard of journalism so that truth might prevail throughout our nation. Amen.