Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Praying For Businesses and the Workplace

Since the beginning of time, divisions of labor and trade of goods and services has been a consistent occupation for people across every era and time period.

 A workplace is anywhere work is performed—both within and outside the home. We see in Scripture that Moses was a government leader, Deborah was a judge, Paul was a tentmaker and Mary and Martha were homemakers.

WHY to pray:

Each of these heroes of the fiaht boldly followed the call of the Lord even in their different positions. There is not exclusive job title necessary to be used by God. It is a JOY, not a JOB, to be obedient to God to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, love our neighbor as ourselves, and go into all the world and make disciples. (Matthew 22:37 and Matthew 28:19-20)

Each person is created in the image of God and holds inherent dignity, and as His creator God calls each person to work as if working as a representative of Christ. Therefore, both our place of work and our heart’s position at work need to reflect our dignity and obedience to God. A God-honoring business can be a great benefit to employees and the community, and a person who honors God in each task through the day speaks a testimony of faith. We need to cover our workplaces in prayer to see hearts changed for the Kingdom of God!

HOW to pray

Pray the Father’s heart. To do this, seek scripture for the divine design and wisdom concerning righteous ways to conduct business and honor God while working. Meditating on scripture before beginning prayer puts our hearts into a position of submission to the will of God. These verses are good starting places to see God’s design and purpose for righteous working practices:

Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. -Colossians 3:17 NASB

It is well with the man who deals generously and lends;
    who conducts his affairs with justice.
-Psalm 112:5 ESV

Give her the reward of her labor, and let her works praise her at the city gates. -Proverbs 31:31 HCSB

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?  -Luke 16:10-11 NIV

WHAT to pray

  • Reveal
  • May each business leader be of great character: of integrity, humbleness of spirit and heart, honest in speech and actions, empathetic and vulnerable.
  • Lord, raise up a workforce that is filled with a spirit of excellence and unity in all they do
  • Dispel any false belief that a person’s value comes from a job title—let the truth ring out that a person is valuable because they are image bearers of You, their Creator
  • Pour out a spirit of generosity onto the mountain of Business like never before
  • May the gifts of the work of their hands be a great blessing to each family and community
  • Father, open the hearts of business leaders to be soul-searching, to cast out any greed, selfish ambition and idols and lay them on the altar of repentance
  • Give shift leaders hearts genuinely concerned with the overall wellbeing of their workers