Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Christlike Questions


When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”

And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; others, Elijah; still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

“But you,” He asked them, “who do you say that I am?”

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!”

And Jesus responded, “Simon son of Jonah, you are blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in heaven.

Matthew 16:13-17


One of the treasures of summertime is getting to slow down and savor the conversations we get to have with others. A little more time lingering at church after service, enjoying conversations around dinner tables and picnic tables, chatting for a few extra moments with people you encounter on the golf course or at the park with your grandkids.

Every time we have a conversation with someone, we have an opportunity to engage in discipleship, whether we are discipling someone toward salvation, or discipling them in their ongoing walk with Jesus.

Approaching conversations with the mindset of evangelism and discipleship requires a shift in our mindset. Our focus moves away from making sure the other person knows exactly where we stand on cultural issues of the day and moves toward a curiosity about the other person. To meet them where they are, we must know more about them.

Throughout the Gospel we see that Jesus filled His conversations with questions. Some were rhetorical, challenging listeners to ponder the underlying truth, while others were direct, intended to bring to light what is in a person’s heart and mind.

Let’s examine how Jesus posed questions to His disciples that day in Caesarea Philippi. “Who do the people say the Son of Man is?” and “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus already knew the answers. But in His graciousness and gentleness, He invited the disciples, through questions, to reveal what was in their heart. By the end of verse 17, Peter receives a blessing and affirmation from Jesus, confirming that his belief is correct, and from the Father.

Jesus modeled for us how we might go about inviting others into meaningful conversations that can lead to spiritual conversations. When we ask genuine questions, the other person is invited to get their ideas, the thought processes, or the beliefs out in the open - out into the light.

When we progress in a conversation, we might thoughtfully respond, and ask a follow up question that could reveal their attitude toward God:

-Have you ever considered what the Bible says about that topic? Why or why not?

-That sounds like a deep hurt in your life. Do you feel like you can experience love from God?

-You seem really worried about this situation. Would you mind if I prayed for you right now?

You might also consider the same questions Jesus posed, adjusted for our modern vernacular:

-What have you heard about God? What about Jesus?

-What do you believe about God?

After the other person shares, wait a few moments. Ask the Holy Spirit how to respond. The flesh might be ready to interrupt and say “I have the exact plan you need to follow!” or “What a silly thing to believe!” But people don’t need our preferences and opinions. They need the truth of the Lord.

Our Christian brothers and sisters need this type of question-based conversation and fellowship as well. They may be struggling with pride, fearfulness, or hopelessness. By asking questions, we can see the places where we can hold them accountable in striving towards righteousness, and where we can speak the truth of Scripture to further their walk with Christ.

Consider questions like:

-What have you been praying for in this situation?

-Could we look at Scripture together to find verses that show God’s will for us?

-Are fear and worry dominating your thought process here?

When we ask these heart-revealing questions, we have the opportunity to shine the light of Christ and fan the flame of faith!

Will you please pray with me?

Lord Jesus, You are my Teacher, instructing me in all things, inviting me into relationship with You as You ask questions for me to share with You, and ultimately submit to You. I ask that You would fill me with courage, to step out of my comfort zone and engage others in conversation, asking questions that provide opportunity to shine Your light. Guide me in graciousness to respond with grace and truth when someone answers my question in a way that I disagree with. I want to live as a bold witness for You, demonstrating from the moment a conversation starts that You so loved each person in the world, You died for their sins, so anyone who believers can have eternal life with You. In Jesus name, amen.

Peace and blessings,


Amy Parks

Communications Director