From Prayer to Care
“Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away…so now faith, hope and love abide, these three: but the greatest of these is love.” -1 Corinthians 13:8 & 13
Love looks like something.
In a cultural climate that is wrought with spiritual oppression, broken spirits, politically charged tensions and socially immoral messages, the love of Christ to transcend trouble and transform hearts is of greatest need.
Love looks like Jesus.
While the natural response to these unignorable issues we encounter everyday would be to escape, God is calling his church to engage. With a heart of compassion, God is seeking a church that will carry his gospel in our mouths and his love in our hands and feet. Love isn’t telling someone what you know, it’s giving someone what they need; thereby introducing them to ‘who’ we know…Jesus.
The Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians on what our standard for love as believers should reflect. He wrote urging the church to operate in uniformity of belief and understanding of sound doctrine that would stifle any division existing among its people. In the Greek, the word agape meaning ‘unconditional’ love, describes for us the very gravity that embodying genuine, Christ-like love carries. It is no small requirement; it is the bond of perfection (Colossians 3:14 NIV). Genuine love will cost us something. It is by its fundamental nature, sacrificial and divinely sacred. It is the only way our church and our nation can achieve unity and oneness (Colossians 2:2 NIV). Love itself is not man-made, therefore love itself cannot thrive apart from supernatural submission. Other forms of love provided in Scripture, eros: sensual or romantic love, storge: familial love, and philia: brotherly love; are at best, emotional, ethereal, and conditional without God’s unbounded agape love as the catalyst.
This year’s National Day of Prayer 70th year observance was a rallying cry for the intercessors of our nation to pray, then in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, act. Not to be resounding gongs, or clanging cymbals. Not to be all talk without genuine, authentic demonstration. We are called to holy boldness and to ‘be’ Jesus’ love in human expression. Our theme, “Lord pour out your love, life and liberty” is a cry of desperate dependence on God’s love to be revealed like never before.
How are we, as intercessors empowered to fulfill love in action? How do we move from a posture of prayer to a life that cares?
We can ask ourselves:
- Do I speak with the law of kindness? (Ephesians 4:29)
- Do I listen more than I speak? (James 1:19)
- Do I regularly engage others who look, act, and think differently than I do? (I Corinthians 9:22)
- Do I see the hurting in society, in my family or my church and extend my hand to respond to their need? (Matthew 25:35-40)
- Do I use every opportunity given to share my faith? (I Peter 3:15)
- How quickly do I forgive when offended? (Eph. 4:32)
- Am I willing to go wherever God sends me to serve the least of these, to advance his kingdom? (Isaiah 6:8)
We embody love by fully joining God in his biblical mission in the world which forsook comfort in pursuit of the coming kingdom of God.
Meditate on these words shared by Missionary Viv Grigg, who profiles the life of abandoned loyalty, showing forth Jesus’ love:
“Where can Jesus be found today? To find him we must go to where he is. Did he not say, ‘Where I am, there shall my servant be also?’ Such a search invariably leads us into the heart of poverty. For Jesus always goes to the point of deepest need. Where there is suffering, he will be there binding wounds. His compassion eternally drives him to human need. Where there is injustice, he is there. His justice demands it. He does not dwell on the edge of the issues. He is involved, always doing battle with the fiercest of the forces of evil and the powers of darkness.” – Viv Grigg, Missiologist
Pray with us.
You have given us your commands. You’ve called us to be people of prayer, to love our neighbor as ourselves, and to make disciples. Inasmuch as we serve the least of these, we are comforted in knowing we have done it unto you. Fill us with boldness. Increase our heart capacity to beat with an unfailing commitment to loving all as you love us; and to proclaim your gospel until every soul on earth has heard your truth. Pour out your love on us, and from us, pour out your love on our beloved nation. Use us for your glory. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Serving together,
Kanita Benson, M.A.
Director of Intercultural Prayer and Missions
National Day of Prayer Task Force
United In Love
Are you looking for ways to fulfill love through action? United in Love is an initiative of the National Day of Prayer Task Force that builds bridges back to the Gospel and the heart of Jesus in our nation resulting in godly unity and love for one another. Check out our website (make ‘website’ linked: to learn more about being activated to live a prayer-care-share lifestyle and find ministry efforts to join the work of caring for others and sharing the Gospel! You can also sign up for the United in Love newsletter to stay up to date on new opportunities, prayer needs and hear about the ways God is at work. Unite in love with us!