Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Praying For Pastors


 “He who calls you is faithful; he will do it. Brothers and sisters, pray for us also.”

1 Thessalonians 5:24-25 CSB


Ahead of Pastor Appreciation Sunday on October 13th, we focus our prayers on the pastors, reverends, and ministers who faithfully shepherd the Church.

Over the next few days, we invite you to ponder something you appreciate about your pastor, or a pastor whose impact continues to shape your relationship with Christ today. Perhaps they preached on a scripture that revealed great insight into the truth of God’s character to you, or maybe their wisdom in a premarital counseling session has become part of the foundation for your marriage. Consider sharing this lasting spiritual growth with your pastor to encourage them with the fruit of their many efforts, and then commit to pray for them daily through the month of October.

Our appreciation for their faithfulness and sacrifices launches our prayers for God to guard and guide our pastors through the many needs and challenges they face.

The median church size in America is made up of less than 100 members, meaning the average pastor in our nation must fulfill many roles and needs within their church. They can feel pressure from the weight of unrealistic expectations to be a flawless public speaker, a shrewd businessman, a wise accountant, a grief counselor, a marriage therapist, an event planner, a social media influencer and an emergency response coordinator.

We must pray for pastors to be filled with the Holy Spirit for all they are called to do and ask God to provide strong teams to serve the church body with many gifts, talents, and capacities.

Findings from a 2024 pastoral wellness study highlighted the sacrifices pastors make, citing that “over 80% of pastors self-reported that they sacrifice their own wellbeing in their ministerial capacity, with over half saying they sometimes sacrifice their family’s wellbeing while doing ministry.”

Children of pastors can be exposed to harsh and negative comments about their parents from young ages, and spouses can experience derisive comments and criticisms on matters that are intended for private family moments rather than public discussion. At times, pastoral families can feel that they live under a microscope.

We must pray for the entire pastoral family, that they would be protected and strengthened.

In some circumstances, congregants can unintentionally place pastors on a sort of pedestal, treating them with emotional distance, either as unknowable to the ‘average person’ or disposable and easily replaceable. This isolation of pastors can invite all kinds of struggles, whether depressive episodes, unhealthy habits, or big temptations. We must pray for pastors to have safe, trusted confidants and accountability partners who can encourage them and speak truth into their lives.

Let's pray for pastors now!

Lord, You are our Good Shepherd, our Redeemer. We praise You for calling and equipping many believers to shepherd Your flock, the Church. We lift up these spiritual leaders in prayer right now, asking that You would fill them with Your Holy Spirit for every task and mission that You have called them to accomplish. Lord, do not let us as the Church body consign the responsibilities of evangelism and discipleship to the ‘professional Christians.’ Help us behold these leaders as fellow Christians that You have called to shepherd and equip us to fulfill the Great Commission together.

Protect and strengthen pastoral families who serve and sacrifice together for the sake of the pastoral calling. Keep pastoral marriages secure and cover their children from things inside or outside the church environment that would harm them.

Bring forth trusted confidants and prayer partners to walk alongside pastors as they face many challenges and celebrate Your triumphs in their congregations – may these fellow believers speak Your truth into their lives to keep them grounded and encouraged in You. In Jesus name we pray, amen.


Peace and blessings,


Amy Parks

Communications Director