Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Rooted and Grounded in Love


"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:14-19 NASB



As February comes to a close, we continue to pray for you and all families, that as Christ dwells in your heart your roots would grow deeper and your heart would grow stronger, and your love would reach higher as you concentrate, meditate, and operate in Christ’s love. As Christ dwells in your heart you dwell in His love. The more you focus on His multi-faceted love that is wider, higher, longer, and deeper than we can ever fully understand on this side of heaven, the Spirit will reveal more day by day. As Paul prayed that they would “comprehend” that which surpasses knowledge. At first glance you might think they contradict one another but, in this case, comprehending is to obtain, operate in, make one’s own, and overcome the enemy with Christ’s love. That’s a lot to comprehend and take in. I encourage you to pause for a moment and read that again and let it sink in. Let it flood your heart, mind, and soul as this “miracle grow” saturates you.

When we speak of being rooted and established that’s garden-speech, that’s the voice of The Vine reminding us that we are rooted in His love, the soil where we are firmly established is His love and as the branches all our subsistence flows from Him. Like a garden, our hearts must always be guarded, tended, and nurtured, in all seasons of life, because the enemy is waiting for one unguarded moment to try to poison the soil. If you have ever grown anything you know that the fruit and the flower will bring forth and bear witness to what is in the soil. If a crop is failing, they come test the soil, evaluate the light, and check the water going into the soil for impurities or to see if something is lacking. These are some of the same areas we can check daily as we pray and study God’s Word.

 You were rooted and established in love. Ask the Spirit to help you search the soil of any lies, issues. Are and earthly circumstances that may be poisoning your soil and leading you to believe something different than the sole source of love that hold your soul steadfast in the heart and hands of God? Seek and speak Truth, not trash; Scripture not speculation, as you pray and walk through each day. 

Check your Light. Are you living in and manifesting the light of Jesus, your true character that He called you to? Check the Living Water that flows in and through you. Do you have something hindering its flow, stealing essential nutrients, or adding impurities? As a branch it is vital that nothing hinders your connection to the Vine and as the Church it is crucial that we grow closer and support one another as we grow and produce fruit.

How We Can Pray

Many areas experience spring and even summer-like temperatures this week. You may see signs of new and renewed life springing up and greening up in your yard or community. Let it prompt you to pray for yourself, your neighbor and nation. Pray that the love of Jesus would permeate the hearts of His people and reveal itself to those who do not know or refuse to grow closer to Him. Pray for a fruitful harvest in your community and let the love of Jesus lead and feed you as you labor where God has established you.

Would you please pray with me now?

Jesus You are our love, light, and life. Thank you for rooting and establishing us in your love, strengthening and lengthening us as we grow in You every day. Your Word is the light that directs and drives my life to fulfill your purposes and bring You glory. Thank You for drawing us closer to You and being our shield; the shade of Your wings protects us from the enemy. We are refreshed in Your everlasting presence and Your steadfast love not only establishes us but helps us to endure and comprehend the vastness of Your faithfulness throughout our lives. In every earthly circumstance, You are for us and with us. Let praise overflow from our lips as we continually obtain, operate, and make Your love our own each day. Remind us that we are an overcomer in trial and trouble because You have overcome the world. Thank You for sowing and growing me in Your love and please help me to show and share it with others. In the love-filled name of Jesus we pray, Amen!

Serving Him with gladness,


Kathy Branzell
