Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Supplied For Every Good Work


Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8 HCSB


There’s a special joy at the end of every summer when stores begin to display school supplies. I love taking in the colorful folders, the backpacks with cartoon characters, the markers, crayons, glue sticks and packs of construction paper.

A person can almost reach out and tangibly touch the possibilities and opportunities in the air when walking through the school supplies aisles. What new knowledge will students gain as they fill up notebooks with notes? What about the moment a math concept ‘clicks’ in their young minds as they use graph paper for a complex equation? What creativity will pour out of them as they color and draw and create with the art supplies?

This is why communities and ministries rally together for school supply drives – so every child can have all the supplies they need to step into the opportunities that a well-resourced education can provide.

In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul encourages the church in Corinth by reminding them that God, the ultimate provider, will ensure that believers have every grace and everything they need to excel in every good work of the Kingdom.

Therefore, as we walk through stores filled with school supplies or we watch children and grandchildren packing their school bags, we can see these supplies as prayer prompts for students, teachers, and school staff.

Below are a few prompts to get you started:

  • Books and textbooks: Pray that students would be filled with knowledge and wisdom. Pray they would study the Bible diligently for revelation of God’s character, instructions on righteous living, and to learn from the wins and mistakes of the heroes of the faith.
  • Rulers: Pray that students, teachers, and school staff would measure themselves against God’s Word, and never live in comparison to others.
  • Crayons: Pray that teachers and school staff would have eyes to see God’s handiwork in each child, and treasure all the different gifts, talents, abilities, and learning styles.
  • Paper: Pray that as students write down notes, facts, and reminders, they would also have the Word of God written on their hearts.
  • Dry erase markers: Pray for teachers and instructors to have patience teach, erase, rewrite and reteach until students gain understanding, just as God is a patiently heavenly Father to His children.

Just as these supplies are instruments for students to accomplish the tasks of learning and growing, we are instruments in the hands of God, for the good works that He has prepared for us!

Will you pray with me right now?

Lord, You are my Provider and Sustainer. You have prepared good works for each of Your children, including me! Today, I lift up the students, teachers, and school staff who are preparing to begin the school year. I pray that as they use their supplies for the tasks of teaching and learning, they would be reminded that You supply their needs for the Kingdom tasks You have prepared. Strengthen teachers who are weary and give hope to students who do not see a future for themselves. I pray that each person in Education would overflow with Your provision as they fulfill the good works of teaching, learning, leading, growing and much more! In Jesus name, amen.

Peace and blessings,


Amy Parks

Communications Director