Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Worship In What IS, Not Worry About What IF

Psalm 9:1-2 I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. NAS


As we step into a new year, we hear many concerns, criticisms, and curses over 2021 as already being worse than 2020. Rumors abound and fear is fanned by the speculation of people in every area from ministry to media. It is time to stop the distraction, division, and discouragement of “what if…” and walk in worship of I AM, the God who IS. The God who is worthy of thanks with all our heart. Not half-hearted, not as a last result but as our first response because He reigns. We must tell of His wonders and His faithfulness as the unchanging God who was, and is, and is to come. His wonders, love and faithfulness never cease even when we don’t feel them, or just fail to see them.

In gratefulness and His Greatness we find our gladness. It is not in our circumstances but in our salvation and His constant sanctification of us that we are glad; imperfect people being perfected by a Perfect God. We live in His plan and for His purposes and every day He draws His people toward the character of His one and only Son Jesus; every day we can step closer to the mind and character of Christ as we keep our eyes and ears focused on His Word in Scripture and prayer.

As we live out that gladness we are lifted as we lift Him up in praise, awe and honor. The more we speak and sing of God’s character our fears flee and the “what if” fades in His glory and majesty. If we are focused on all that He is and what is ours in Him the “what if” does not stand a chance to steal our joy and courage. Walk in worship in God’s presence, plan, promises, and power. Those are real, those are now, and will never leave you or forsake you.

Turn away from rumors and speculation and turn to Scripture. Write down all that you find about the Lord’s attributes and affection and keep them near as you pray through the news, the events of each day and the opportunities we have as followers of Jesus Christ to live out our faith in the God who reigns sovereign and supreme with all authority and is worthy of all our praise and obedience. The God who was and is and is to come.

Let’s praise Him together right now.

Lord, You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Awesome and Mighty; You are Love. You are the Creator of all and Your Supremacy reigns over us and carries us as we fix our eyes, hearts, and worship on You. As we obey You and pray through the inauguration and the new Congress as well as praying for all people in authority, we remember that You are the ultimate authority over us and we submit to not only give You thanks, our testimony filled with Your greatness and our gladness as we praise You but we also commit to live as You have commanded and love as You have demonstrated. We worship in all that IS of You, in You and from You and hand our “what if” over to Your hands and plans. In Jesus precious Name we pray, Amen!


Serving Him with Gladness,

Kathy Branzell


National Day of Prayer Task Force