Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Get Involved

There are 3 ways to Get Involved with the National Day of Prayer and we are delighted that you have clicked here to learn more:

  • Become a Person of Prayer
  • Mobilize Prayer
  • Become a Legacy of Prayer Partner

Become a Person of Prayer

Become a Person of Prayer — we call this a Prayer-Filled life


A Person of Prayer is an individual who desires to learn more about the power of prayer and apply it in everyday life. The National Day of Prayer Task Force has a vast array of resources to help you explore the depths of a Prayer-Filled life.

Here are some links to get you started:

  1. Why Pray?
  2. What is Prayer?
  3. How to Pray
  4. How to Pray for America
  5. Pray the 7x7 Prayer Points
  6. Books on Prayer (such as The Front Line: A Prayer Warrior’s Guide)
  7. Monthly Prayer Calls
  8. Sign-up for our weekly e-Newsletter
  9. Submit a Prayer Request
  10. Join the Facebook and Twitter communities for daily thoughts on prayer

Mobilize Prayer

Mobilize Prayer — it is easier than you think


The Scriptures tell us that where two or more are gathered, there He is in our midst (Matthew 18:20). Mobilizing prayer can happen in your home, your place of business, church, park or community meeting location and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Start small and keep it simple. Remember, we are here to help you. So here is how to get started:

  1. Volunteer for the National Day of Prayer and become a Prayer Coordinator
  2. Find resources to help you promote your prayer gathering
  3. Post your prayer gathering on our Event Finder (online event directory)
  4. Download free Group Studies and Curriculum on prayer

Become a Legacy of Prayer Partner

Become a Legacy of Prayer Partner


As a nonprofit ministry, we are dependent upon the generous contributions of people like you to extend our ministry efforts. Your gifts allow us to continue the mission God has called us to – mobilizing prayer in America, while encouraging personal repentance and righteousness in the culture.

  1. Learn more about ways you can give to our ministry
  2. Learn about the Legacy of Prayer
  3. Read the latest Impact Report