Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Glory Story: Knit Together in Prayer

NDP observance launches couple into a new season

In the months leading up to the National Day of Prayer, the Greg and Denise were in a season of praying for God’s direction, knowing they needed divine wisdom for a potential deployment and future full-time ministry opportunities. The Pennsylvania couple are passionate about serving the body of Christ, and they know their most powerful ministry is spurring each other toward pursuing the Lord within their marriage.

They heard about the virtual observance through Focus on the Family and knew the observance was important—in a previous pastorate, Greg helped organize a small observance for the congregation. Greg and Denise anticipated the familiar joy that comes with answering the call to worship and pray with fellow believers on the National Day of Prayer.

The night of the broadcast, they sat in their home and joined their prayers with millions around the world. God poured out the Holy Spirit over Greg and Denise that evening.

“It was great to see people all around the country praying,” Greg said. “I was expecting a formal event, but it was so great to see internal, intuitive prayer.”

Throughout the event, the couple prayed as the Spirit led them from topic to topic, sang in worship and spoke their agreement with the moments of teaching.

“I was filled with the Holy Spirit,” Denise said. “I had shed tears from the awesome expression of worship.”

A few weeks after the broadcast, Greg left their home Pennsylvania and headed to the Middle East for his second deployment to fulfill his duties as an Air Force chaplain. Deployments can be one of the toughest obstacles in a military marriage, but Greg and Denise have saturated their union in prayer, trusting the Lord to bond them together and strengthen them through challenges.

“Even as we were courting, we made God’s word and prayer a priority in our premarital life,” Denise said. “Whenever we have joys or struggles, we say ‘let’s seek God in prayer.’”

As Greg serves overseas, Denise spends a dedicated portion of her day in prayer, seeking the Lord to provide safety and wisdom to her husband, that he may give good counsel to give the airmen he talks with each day, and return home safely to her. Greg continues to pray for his wife and their future ministry together when he returns from his deployment.

Their dedication to prayer is nothing new to their relationship and participating in the NPD observance broadcast was yet another way the two connected with God and each other.

“Greg and I continued to pray even after it went off,” Denise said. “We are prayer warriors anyway, but we made a vow to be a part of the prayers and spread the word about the broadcast in the future, and just share the good news about what an awesome event it was.”

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down one can help the other up.”

-Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Click below to hear Greg and Denise tell their story of experiencing God's glory!