Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Glory Story: Proclaim the Good News

Florida Woman Boldly Shares Her Faith in God by Posting Prayers


When a prayer leader at Kwabea’s church encouraged those attending the Friday prayer group to join the Nehemiah Response prayer initiative, she felt the Holy Spirit lead her to join in the movement of diligent, strategic prayer. To begin the 52 days of prayer, she reread the book of Nehemiah to understand the prayer playbook for the upcoming weeks.

What she found was a people dedicated to following the Lord’s direction, who spurned each other on by their faithfulness to work against the brokenness around them. The situation of the Hebrew people in Nehemiah’s day reflects our lives today: a great brokenness in so many aspects of our world, where only a movement of God and the obedience of His people can bring healing, justice and restoration.

Kwabea’s prayer for our nation comes after her time of scripture reading and prayer. The Spirit will move her heart for a topic, and she will pray and post in obedience.

“Sometimes my prayers start after I watch the news,” Kwabea said. “If something is on the news that has me mourning in my spirit, I take time to pray for that.”

Her prayers are reaching Heaven and touching the hearts of those within her sphere of influence, both on and off of social media. In the Facebook sphere, Kwabea’s friends span the spectrum of religious affiliation: from non-religious, former Christians, to Jewish, Muslim and other Christian brothers and sisters. She felt refreshed after posting the prayers, knowing she was sharing an authentic passion for the Lord and spreading the light of the Gospel.

“Many times, what people post of Facebook is nonsense—it’s just things to get other people angry,” Kwabea said. “What I’ve found, is even people who don’t necessarily agree with my views, they have liked the prayers.”

Kwabea also shared the Nehemiah Response with her longtime friend Amanda. The two met as young women attending the same church, and even though they are now mothers living several states apart, they often share prayer prompts and encouraging words with one another.

The Lord has moved Amanda’s heart to prayer for our nation since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. When Kwabea shared the Nehemiah Response, Amanda took up the challenge to be more intentional with her prayers for our country.

“I pray for a spirit of repentance, that the Church would come to repentance and really commit to doing the Lord’s will,” Amanda said. “Through that, I think we will see a change in the hearts of this nation.”

Amanda continues to pray with expectancy, excited about the ways God will move. Kwabea’s heart mirrors Amanda’s expectancy for revival and restoration from God that will lead people to purse Christ and ultimately bring healing to the world and glory to our Redeemer!

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” -Matthew 28:19-20